
What is a migraine?

Migraines are believed to be a complex genetic neurological disorder.

Diagnostic criteria include; 

  • At least 5 headache attacks that last 4–72 hours and the attacks must have had at least 2 of the following characteristics: 

  • Unilateral location (one sided) 

  • Pulsating quality 

  • Moderate or severe pain intensity 

  • Aggravation by or causing avoidance of routine physical activity 

  • In addition, during the headache the patient must have had at least 1 of the following: Nausea and/or vomiting Photophobia and phonophobia

What causes a migraine?

The current research around migraines indicates that these could be the associated causes of a migraine.

  • Pain nerves in the head and the neck are irritated 

  • Blood vessels in the head spasm

  • Inflammation is present in the affected part of the brain

Types of Migraines?

There are a variety of different types of migraines that can cause a slight variation in their location and characteristics. 

  • Vestibular migraine 

  • Ocular migraine

  •  Hormonal migraine 

  • Silent migraine 

  • Sinus Migraine 

  • Exercise induced migraine

Migraine Triggers

The list of migraine triggers can vary from person to person. Listed below are the most common triggers people experience. 

  • Dehydration 

  • Caffeine 

  • Alcohol

  •  Exercise 

  • Hormonal changes 

  • Sleep 

  • Foods eg. chocolate 

  • Stress 

  • Environment eg. Dust, pollen

Management options

As every person has a different variety of triggers, they will also usually have a multi-faceted approach to management. Commonly practised management strategies can include: 

  • Lie down in a quiet, dark, room. 

  • Place a cold cloth or ice pack over your forehead or behind your neck. 

  • Sleep 

  • Drink water 

  • Speak to your GP about medication options and possible referral to a Neurologist

How can Osteopathy help?

Osteopathic manual therapy can assist to manage migraines through manual hands on therapy, education and advice on lifestyle factors. 

  • Soft tissue manipulation to decrease stiffness and tension in the muscular system. 

  • Improve blood flow circulation through lymphatic massage. 

  • Offering exercise prescription advice and management.

  • Assisting the patient to identify associated triggers 

  • Lifestyle advice; for example stress management techniques. 

Migraine management requires a multi disciplinary approach and as Osteopath’s we are here to support, educate and guide you in the best direction to best manage your symptoms.


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