Improving your



  • Osteopathy

    Osteopaths take the time to listen to you. They take a thorough medical history and movement assessment to best understand your body.

    They utilise a range of techniques such as massage, stretching, mobilisation, manipulation, dry needling and exercise prescription.

    The goal of an Osteopathic treatment is to reduce pain and restore optimal mechanics within your body.

  • Remedial Massage

    Addressing a range of musculoskeletal conditions, through deep tissue massage and dry needling, in a calm and nurturing environment.

  • Myotherapy

    Myotherapy includes remedial massage, dry needling & cupping therapy. You have complete control over your treatment and can choose to include or exclude these modalities as you please.

  • Rehabilitation Exercises

    Exercise rehabilitation is a personally prescribed set of exercises that range from active movement through to strengthening exercises.

  • Dry Needling

    Dry needling, also called trigger point needling, involves inserting acupuncture needles into muscle trigger points to stimulate a twitch response, relieving tension in spasming, painful or knotted muscle bands. This improves function through the restoration of a muscle’s ability to lengthen and shorten normally.

  • Bike Fits

    Bike fitting is the process of adjusting a bike for a cyclist to optimise their comfort, performance and efficiency.


  • Bring along any X-rays, scans or test results that you may have that are relevant to your visit and your private health care card if you have one. We want you to feel comfortable, so wear a comfortable shirt and loose pants or bring a pair of shorts to change into.

  • The main difference between Physiotherapists, Chiropractors and Osteopaths is in how they assess and treat the complaint. Physiotherapists focus on physical movement and function for patients, most commonly after injury or surgery using rehabilitation prescription. Chiropractors focus on diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal problems through manipulation to achieve optimal alignment. As Osteopaths we focus on the whole body identifying what is causing the mechanical overloading and pain in the area that’s sore and use a wide variety of techniques across all professions to return you to optimal function.

  • You do not need a referral to see an Osteopath from your GP or any other practitioner. You can go right ahead and book an appointment here.

  • This depends on your condition, how long you have been suffering from it, your lifestyle and general health. Generally, you will expect to see some changes regarding your symptoms after one or two visits. Long term or chronic conditions may require more treatments or long term management. Your osteopath will discuss this along with what is happening and why with you after they have examined the area. If you have questions at any time, please feel free to ask them.

  • Osteopathic treatment does involve manual therapy that should not cause undue discomfort. Our osteopaths pride themselves on making you as comfortable as possible and will continually ask for feedback. There are techniques which may cause some short-term discomfort or pain but we only use techniques that we feel are necessary and that will benefit you. You may experience mild soreness for a day or two after treatment, not dissimilar to that felt after mild exercise. If this soreness persists or increases significantly, call your osteopath to discuss your concerns.

  • Osteopathic Principles are what makes osteopathy unique in the modern healthcare system and are the dominant guiding force behind every osteopathic treatment.

    The body is a unit: One part of the body has the ability to affect the function of another. All components are dependent on each other, mind, body and spirit.

    Structure and function are reciprocally interrelated: Simply, if the structure is changed, the function will change.

    The body is capable of self-healing, self-regulation, and health maintenance: As an osteopath it is our responsibility to remove any musculoskeletal restrictions that may hinder these natural processes from occurring and stimulate tissue healing processes.

    Rational therapy: Our treatment, diagnosis and management must be based on the above three Principles.

  • We have EFTPOS facilities available and accept cash. Our Osteopathy services can be claimed under most private health extras cover if you have this insurance.

Osteos treat more than you think.